
How to Unwind with Essential Oil Infused Bath Bombs

With most of us leading busy lives, we sometimes forget to take the time to unwind or even take care of ourselves. We work, commute, some have to take care of their families, and by doing so, we may be losing hours of sleep, feel stressed, tired, or anxious. A lot have turned baths into their me-time because it is the one time of the day that remains undisturbed and peaceful.

A good soak in the tub is a great way to end a long day but Vaana’s Bath Bombs infused with essential oils really elevate the bathing experience.

So how can you unwind with our bath bombs?

  • Run a warm bath and peel off the day
  • Wash away a tiring day by first running a warm bath then peeling off your clothes. Soaking in a long, warm bath has a lot of benefits like giving you a combination of isolation, quietness, and comfort.

    The heat is also known to be good for blood circulation and can ease sore or tight muscles while raising your body temperature so that as you leave the bath, your body quickly cools down then starts producing melatonin which helps you sleep better.

  • Set the mood
  • Transform bath time into a spa-worthy experience by turning off the lights and playing relaxing music with calm tones to get you ready for bed. Avoiding bright lights before bed helps your body release melatonin needed for a good night’s sleep.

  • Drop the Vaana bath bomb into the water and experience the magic
  • Watch as the bath bombs create a satisfying froth that fizzes to release aromatic scents. Each scent is blended with its own essential oil that has its own unique properties. Breathe it in, relax into the tub, and let your skin soak in all the natural goodness before you get ready for bed.

    At Vaana, we carefully handmake each bath bomb so that it stays natural, pure, and safe for all skin types. We use only natural ingredients that have natural moisturizing and cleansing properties and work it together with powerful essential oils to really wash away stress and tension.